A Day in the Life of a Software Development Company Employee: Behind the Code

Software development plays a pivotal role in the digital age, driving innovation, powering applications, and shaping the way we interact with technology. But what exactly is a typical day like for an employee at a software development company? To gain insights into this intriguing profession, we interviewed Anna Gerkolins, a software developer at Kodevent.


Thank you for taking the time to chat with us today, Anna. Could you start by giving us an overview of your role and responsibilities at the software development company?


Of course! I’m excited to share my experiences. As a software developer, my primary role is to write code to create, maintain, or improve software applications. This involves collaborating with a team of developers, designers, and product managers to turn ideas into functional software.


That sounds fascinating. Can you walk us through a typical day in your life as a software developer?


Sure! My day usually begins with a strong cup of coffee and a quick check of my email for any urgent messages or updates. After that, I attend a daily stand-up meeting with my team. During this meeting, we discuss what we worked on yesterday, what we’re planning to work on today, and if we’re facing any roadblocks.


What happens after the stand-up meeting?


After the meeting, I dive into coding tasks. This involves writing, testing, and debugging code to implement new features or fix issues in existing software. We follow an agile development process, so tasks are often broken down into smaller, manageable pieces called user stories.


Are there any specific technologies or programming languages you typically work with?


Yes, the technologies and languages I use can vary depending on the project. Currently, I’m working with JavaScript, React, and Node.js for web development. We also use tools like Git for version control and various databases depending on the project’s requirements.


How do you manage your workload and prioritize tasks?


Prioritization is crucial in software development. We usually prioritize tasks based on their impact on the project’s goals and deadlines. High-priority tasks, such as critical bug fixes or features needed for an upcoming release, take precedence. We also aim to strike a balance between addressing immediate needs and making long-term improvements to the codebase.


What are some of the challenges you face in your role?


One of the main challenges is dealing with complex technical problems. Software development is a continuous learning process, and there are often hurdles to overcome. Additionally, working on a team means effective communication and collaboration are key, which can sometimes be challenging when team members have different perspectives.


On a positive note, what do you find most rewarding about your job?


The most rewarding aspect is seeing the software we develop come to life and make a real impact. Whether it’s a new feature that enhances user experience or a project that helps a client’s business thrive, knowing that my work contributes to positive outcomes is incredibly fulfilling. Also, the camaraderie among team members and the continuous learning opportunities in this field are both rewarding.


Any advice for individuals aspiring to become software developers?


Absolutely! First, embrace a passion for learning because the tech world evolves rapidly. Second, practice problem-solving and coding regularly to build your skills. Third, don’t be afraid to seek help and collaborate with others; software development is often a team effort. Lastly, stay patient and persistent when faced with challenging problems – finding solutions is part of the fun!

A typical day in the life of a software developer at Kodevent is a blend of coding, collaboration, problem-solving, and continuous learning. Anna’s insights offer a valuable glimpse into the world of software development and the dedication required to excel in this dynamic and ever-evolving field. For aspiring developers, her advice serves as a roadmap to a fulfilling career in the realm of coding and creativity.