Mobile App Development Services

Effective mobile app development requires more than just attractive design and smooth user experience; it demands a thorough grasp of the competitive app store environment. At Kodevent, we blend technical proficiency with an in-depth understanding of the crowded mobile market to deliver outstanding results.

Let's talk

All-Inclusive Mobile App Development Services

Consulting Services for Mobile Technology

With deep insights into both established leaders and emerging contenders in your app category, our mobile app development experts assist in refining your concept and crafting a standout go-to-market strategy.

UI/UX Design

In mobile apps, nothing undermines success more than subpar UI and UX design. We create visually compelling apps that provide users with a seamless experience.

Backend Development

Our senior developers construct a robust and flexible mobile app architecture, facilitating easy scalability, modification, and debugging for optimal performance.

Quality Assurance and Testing

Our QA team adopts a thorough approach that extends beyond evaluating mobile app performance to pinpointing issues related to interruptions, connectivity, and compliance.

Release Management

At Kodevent, our mobile app development services encompass bug monitoring and installation rate tracking.

Continuous Improvement

As your app gains traction in app stores and your criteria for success evolve with new features, our mobile development engineers stand ready to scale, iterate, and optimize your app in response to feedback and user growth.

Discover Our Offerings

We are experienced in every stage of the mobile app lifecycle, from initial design through launch and ongoing maintenance. This expertise ensures we can create a mobile app that is reliable, secure, and has the 'wow' factor that keeps users returning.

iOS Development Services

  • UI/UX Design

    We continually push the envelope in creating iOS apps that engage users with visually stunning designs and seamless experiences.
  • Custom iOS Development

    Kodevent's specialists excel in iOS mobile app development, crafting intuitive apps that achieve your business objectives with precision.
  • QA and Testing Solutions

    Using a comprehensive checklist of functional and UI tests, we rigorously test your iOS mobile app to ensure peak performance.
  • iOS App Maintenance

    Beyond launch, whether for B2B or B2C, our iOS developers ensure your app runs smoothly and efficiently, free from disruptions.
  • Migration and Porting

    With eighty percent of our app developers specializing in both Android and iOS development, migrating your app between platforms is seamless.
  • Excel in the Apple Ecosystem

    Our expert developers can create apps that extend beyond iPhones, supporting various devices within the Apple digital ecosystem such as Apple Watch and Apple TV.


Industry: Data Management Platform

Kodevent iOS Engineers were crucial in developing the Comprehensive Data Platform (CDP). Their expertise ensured efficient, user-friendly interfaces and seamless integration of complex features. Proactive bug resolution and code optimization enhanced the iOS codebase's responsiveness. Active participation in code reviews fostered collaboration. Their innovative problem-solving and effective communication established a strong foundation for enhanced data utilization.

Simplifying iOS Development A Step-by-Step Guide

Our experienced iOS developers distinguish between fleeting trends and true innovation, applying this insight to every iOS project they undertake.

We delve into the specifics of your vision, encompassing the app functionalities you’ve envisioned and your overarching business goals.

Our iOS consultants create a comprehensive roadmap for app development, including dedicated time for testing and optimization.

We align your requirements with our developers' expertise, assembling a dream team that allows you to concentrate on strategic issues and high-level decisions.

Guided by Agile project management practices, our developers are fully prepared to oversee the entire iOS app development lifecycle, from inception to release.

After your iOS app launches, our dedicated team remains committed to providing ongoing maintenance services. This includes routine upkeep and critical updates to enhance performance, minimize downtime, and integrate user feedback effectively.

Android Development Services

  • UI/UX Design

    Our design team leverages years of experience and deep familiarity with Android UI/UX guidelines to craft a top-tier, tailored interface.
  • Quality Assurance and Testing

    Our Kodevent QA team conducts a thorough series of tests on your customized product to ensure it launches as a polished, durable, and user-friendly app.
  • After Launch

    Once your app is live, we're ready to gather user feedback, perform routine maintenance, and implement data-driven improvements.
  • Migration and Porting Solutions

    Seeking a cross-platform solution or access to Apple's customer base? Leveraging our extensive iOS expertise, we specialize in developing seamless cross-platform products.
  • Comprehensive Android Ecosystem Apps

    We develop apps for all Android devices, covering wearables, Android TV, and smart devices.


Industry: Transportation Management Software

In our Android application development collaboration with Fleetwise, we significantly enhanced their travel technology platform. We optimized their backend infrastructure, adhering to MVC architecture and leveraging ORM for efficient database management. We implemented enhanced API communication to facilitate seamless interactions, enabling travelers to upload PDF travel documents through custom templates and views. Additionally, we introduced a secure document storage system for administrative users, streamlining operations and enhancing user engagement on Fleetwise's Android platform.

Android Roadmap to Success

From wireframing to the Google Play Store, our dedicated team collaborates with you to enhance operational efficiencies, improve functionality, and optimize user experience.

Drawing on our extensive experience in launching Android products, we strategically plan your project, establishing timelines and phases to ensure a successful rollout.

From prototype to delivering an exceptional user experience, we meticulously address every design aspect to ensure your app stands out.

We craft tailored solutions for Android that operate smoothly on all designated devices, ensuring security and seamless integration with third-party services throughout the process.

Our QA team diligently assesses your app's performance and stability throughout its development lifecycle.

We ensure your app goes live smoothly, adhering to platform guidelines for a seamless publishing process.

Recognizing that development is an ongoing process beyond launch, our team is prepared to provide necessary maintenance and upgrades to keep your product ahead of the competition.

Feeling uncertain? Reach out to us today for a complimentary consultation and embark on the initial stage of enhancing your business!

Anastasia Solovei
Anastasia Solovei
Head of Business Development

Provide us with the specifics of your project, such as its scope, timeframes, or any business challenges you're facing. Our team will diligently examine the information and promptly respond to you.

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What're the next steps?

  • Upon receiving and evaluating your request, we will expeditiously reach out to you to discuss your project requirements and proceed with the execution of a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) to safeguard confidential information.
  • Our team of analysts and developers will assess the project requirements and prepare a proposal that delineates the project scope, team size, and estimated time and cost.
  • We will arrange a meeting with you to engage in a discussion regarding the proposal and work towards achieving a mutual agreement.
  • Once the contract is signed, we will promptly initiate work on your project with a sense of urgency.

Success Stories

QR Mobile Companion

This mobile app is designed for custom devices and integrated with a website to streamline patient sign-ups for medical testing. Utilizing a QR code-based tracking system, we've enhanced the operational efficiency of a medical center. Upon online registration for testing, patients receive a unique QR code. Upon arrival at the medical center, nurses scan the QR code using a mobile device, accessing all necessary information such as personal details, appointment times, and testing specifics. Following completion of testing, all data is seamlessly transmitted to the laboratory.

Industry: Health Tech
Market: USA
Team size: 3 engineers
Cooperation: 2022-2023
Technologies and tools: Kotlin, Android SDK, MVVM, Clean Architecture, Shared Preferences, Retrofit, Kotlin Coroutines, Kotlin Flows, Glide, Nav Component, Dagger 2, Logging to file with Timber, Zebra SDK, Bluetooth, Jira, Webex, Gitlab, Figma

Footwear Shopping App

This mobile app, designed for a leading chain of shoe stores, offers an intuitive online shopping experience. Available on both iOS and Android platforms, the app provides a comprehensive inventory of shoes. Users can effortlessly browse, purchase, pre-order, and explore reviews within the app. They can also utilize an interactive map to find the nearest store, with automatic route guidance included. Moreover, the app features a virtual voice assistant to aid in efficient product searches.

Industry: eCommerce
Market: Worldwide
Team size: 4 engineers
Cooperation: 2023 - present
Technologies and tools: Kotlin, multi-module, Clean Architecture, Navigation component, MVVM, Swift, UIKit, MapKit, MVP, GCD, Firebase (Analytics, Crashlytics), REST, XCTest, GitHub

Our Technology Stack

At Kodevent, we combine established tools with the latest innovations to construct a robust tech infrastructure that aligns with your objectives and keeps you ahead of the competition.


  • Swift
  • Objective-C
  • Xcode
  • SwiftUI
  • UIKit
  • Core Data
  • Combine
  • Alamofire
  • CocoaPods
  • Carthage
  • Fastlane
  • AVFoundation
  • CloudKit
  • Realm
  • Firebase
  • Core ML
  • ARKit


  • Java
  • Kotlin
  • Android Studio
  • Android SDK
  • Jetpack Compose
  • MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel)
  • Clean Architecture
  • Retrofit
  • Dagger 2
  • Hilt
  • LiveData
  • Coroutines
  • Room
  • Glide
  • Navigation Component
  • Timber
  • Zebra SDK

Our Cooperation Models

We provide flexible collaboration scenarios tailored to suit your current needs

Evaluation & Design
Boost your competitive advantage in the market by collaborating with us to perform comprehensive research and create customized program evaluations.
Custom Software
Acquire personalized business software if pre-built solutions do not meet your specific needs.
Test Automation
Opt for our test automation services to minimize the risks related to undetected bugs.
Maintenance & Support
We offer extensive support throughout the entire lifespan of your digital solution, encompassing optimization, performance improvements, and timely resolution of any issues that may arise.

How Can We Help You?

Get in touch with us. We'd love to hear from you.

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